Doughnut Love Lost

At work, across the lobby from my cube, are a few meeting rooms and the Men’s Room.  Well, it just so happens that right in the middle of the journey across the lobby is a big meeting room.  A meeting room that happened to be occupied today with a meeting where I was not invited.  A meeting room that just so happened to have a refreshment cart placed right outside the door.  A refreshment cart containing water, store bought cookies, and doughnuts.  Many a glorious doughnut.  Waiting.  Just waiting to be enjoyed.  Waiting to make someone happy.

Doughnut Cart of Temptation

The refreshment cart of many temptations.

And the topper.  The actual topper.  The doughnut perched upon a bear claw was a glorious vision.  A perfect jelly filled doughnut covered with powder sugar.  A wonder of baking goodness.  Perfection.  A real beauty.  Surely it would go quick.

I walked across the hall for a different meeting in a different room.  The doughnut tempted me.  Stay strong, Paulsen.

I returned to my cube.  The doughnut remained.

Another meeting.  Another exchange of longing glances with my doughnut of desire.

A trip to the restroom.  It was still there.

The meeting that had control of the doughnut had breaks.  Lunch breaks.  More breaks.  Did no one see this perfection that was assigned to them?  Ungrateful bastards!  My blood boiled.  Boiled with passion for my doughnut of desire.  I was meant to be with that doughnut.  I truly appreciated that doughnut.  That doughnut belonged with me.  Damn society and its rules of conduct!

Finally, the day ended and I headed out the door.  There was the doughnut waiting to say goodbye.  We looked at one another.  We knew how we felt.  No words needed to be said.  I continued toward the door, but paused to look in on the meeting that was adjourning and there on the Power Point’s screen it read, “Thank You!”

Yeah sure, you are welcome.  The doughnut is now all yours.  I won’t stand in your way.  Just promise to treat her right.  Promise to make her happy.  Give her a good home.  She’s a beauty and deserves only the best.

The End.


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