Sine Curves and Sidewalks

Our dear middle boy Sam has always had a certain style of his own. One of the manifestations of his uniqueness is Sam’s constant motion.  Honestly, in the time it takes him to answer what he would like to eat for breakfast, he has already walked three laps around me in the kitchen.

Well, this morning was no different and as we walked to church, I became gradually annoyed that Sam kept cutting me off and or pushing me to the edge of the sidewalk. All unintentional, but rather just the way God made his meandering soul (i.e. God made Sam to walk in the pattern of a sine curve, see below).

Sam Path

7-year-old Sam’s scoochiness continued in church and much to my surprise, as I sat down after communion, I landed on something hard and lumpy. For whatever reason, Sam’s hand/fist was resting in the space formerly occupied by my behind.  After overcoming that initial startled and frightened feeling, I was prepared to brush it aside as just another instance of Sam being Sam.  Sam however found an opportunity to have fun with the situation, “Hey, Jacob,” Sam called to his older brother across the church pew, “Dad sat on my hand!”  Sniffing his hand for effect, “Now, it smells!”

Thank you, son. I’m glad we had this chance to share this very precious church moment.  In fact, I wish Norman Rockwell were here to paint a picture.  Unfortunately, I will just have to make sure and be extra careful, next time I sit down by my middle son.

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