It’s Alive!

Wrapping up a presentation at work, I figured I would swing by our old house and quickly clean the inside of our old fridge. Being a good boy, I even decided to apply a fresh coat of Clorox Wipe magic behind the crisper drawers.  Pulling out the “meat and cheese” drawer, I was met by a startling surprise.  There tucked behind the drawer, in the darkest crevices of the fridge, well beyond sight, light, or detection, sat a blackened stick of string cheese and an opened and blacked as well package of Canadian bacon, which had at one point been fastened with a clothespin (the best way to seal lunch meat for dozens of months).  That’s right, these products had been in there so long that they had gone past moldy and had reached a sort of carbon coated level of decomposition.

On the bright side, moving every few years saves us from meeting some rear of the fridge science experiment that will eventually sprout legs. #Genesis #LifeFromDeli #ItsAlive


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