Homework Procrastination Fail

Waiting until the last minute, we waited until 7:30PM on Sunday night to tackle 1st Grader Ben’s homework.  Unfortunately, it involved gathering photos of the student today and as a baby.  Considering that we just moved, finding Ben’s current school picture was no small challenge, but after many boxes searched through we finally found it.  The newborn photo on the other hand, I figured I knew right where that would be.

Digging through the “computer” box, I found the old external hard drive containing old family photos. Searching under the right timeframe and bingo, there was Ben’s official “newborn” photo…

Mom and Dad

Plugging all of the cords into the right places, I pressed print and unfortunately I got something very different out of the printer…

Scan Fail

Egad! I don’t recall my beautiful bride and I getting our hair dyed orange on the day of Ben’s birth.  Nothing like a last minute printer fail to make homework an adventure.  A very sad adventure.  #WeekendHomework #CurseOfAllCurses


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