Goodbye to our Sacred Place

During our lives, Charlene and I have been blessed to have many treasured church homes.  Places full of our friends, our treasured brothers and sisters in Christ.  Places that accepted us as family and helped make our new communities more than just a place, but our home.

Yesterday, as we prepared for our move to Cottage Grove, we said goodbye to a blessed place.  Our church home for the last four years, Bethel Lutheran in downtown Willmar, Minnesota.  More than being just friends, our Bethel family served as confidants and cheerleaders.  They were there to celebrate our successes, supported us in so many ways during our trials, and were our voice when we had none.  They shaped us into better people and helped us grow in Christ.  They also selflessly tried my weekly cookie experiments and provided oh so many treats, both food and spiritual nourishment, in return.  They cared for our children as their own, serving as mentors, teachers, and friends.  In so many ways, they have shown us how to live as Christ in the world.  Caring and loving, while fearlessly saying what needs to be said and bravely doing what needs to be done.

Earlier today, I asked my boys if they wanted to attend one final choir practice at church.  I was not sure what answer to expect.  After all, they had said their goodbyes, they would no longer be singing at church, and they were immersed in post-school tablets and Netflix.  With no hesitation, however, 6-year-old Ben provided his enthusiastic response, “I want to go to choir!”  My boy wanted to be with his church family.  His friends.  Those he loves.  Ben expressed in that moment how my whole family feels.  A boundless love and appreciation for our friends here in Willmar.  Those who have made this a special and dear place that will forever remain in our hearts.  To borrow from the Apostle Paul, in one of yesterday’s Bible verses (1 Thessalonians 3:9), “How can we thank God enough for you in return for all the joy that we feel before our God because of you?”

The word Bethel means “holy place” and yesterday, in the smiles of our friends and the hugs of goodbye, I was once again reminded of how no place has ever had such a fitting name.  My friends, it is with great love and admiration that I say “thank you.”  You carried us through the hard times and sent us forth into our future with love.  Even though we will no longer be sitting in “our space” in the fourth pew on the left every Sunday at 8:15 AM, our hearts will remain with you forever.


4 thoughts on “Goodbye to our Sacred Place”

  1. We had some good times, thanks for the memory’s and the cookies!!! The Thorpe’s would like to wish you guy’s the best of luck on your next adventure!! Take care, and hope to see you again!!!

  2. Oh Dave…just when I thought I was done being sad about your family’s departure from Willmar, you leave one more “mascara smudger”.

    You have a beautiful family and we know that you won’t be far away. BUT PLEASE KNOW

    1. Your presence will be missed (in the 4th pew from the front on the left)
    2. P.Jon will miss picking on your boys during the children’s messages.
    3. Need I say it, there will be significant weight loss, as we attempt to ween off of your usual cookies and treats during Sunday School.
    4. No more seeing your smiling and inviting faces with our preschoolers.
    5. Your example of ” pressing on” when the going gets tough will be absent.
    6. Your commitment to church life, family, service to your church and to others and a willingness to engage with EVERYONE (even bats on occasion) will be deeply missed!

    We wish you all the best and we hope you’ll visit us when you can!!
    The Dahls

  3. God bless the path you travel to Cottage Grove. Sarah Dahl really said it all so beautifully. And, you and Charlene have been such an asset to our community in a class act manner. Cottage Grove and your new church home will be blessed with your presence. Warm hugs to you and your beautiful boys.

  4. We still miss you here at St. Paul’s in Wichita. We pray many blessings for all of you as you go to Cottage Grove and find a new church home.


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