Star Wars: The Target Wars

Venturing out on Black Friday, I was wandering the aisles of Target.  Approaching the “Star Wars” toy aisle, I heard a woman say to a friend in a smug and off putting voice, “I need a geek.”  Yes, she was looking at the overwhelming selection of Star Wars merchandise, of which our family either owns half or soon will by the end of the Holiday season.  She had no clue.  No clue what to purchase.  No clue that she had just slighted a man with three young boys, near the aisle.  A man, who was once a boy, a boy who happened to be 4-years-old, when Star Wars was first released.  A man, who knows enough about Star Wars to answer any of her questions.  Yes, I was a New Hope.  I can sound like Chewbacca with the best of them.  Yep, I know my way around Kashyyyk.  I used to bull’s-eye womp rats in my T-16 back home.  I could prepare the Death Star to fire upon orders from Grand Moff Tarkin.  I am a geek.  A Star Wars geek, but a geek with standards.  I would not be demeaned.  I would not be slighted.  I would maintain my pride.

I kept walking.  An opening victory in “Star Wars:  Revenge of the Nerds.”  And to all of my fellow Star Wars geeks out there, “May the Force be with you.”  Black Friday and every day.


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