Ice Cream Container Lamentations

You know that old ice cream container in the back of your freezer? The one that only has a little bit left and for some reason was shoved back behind the bag of tater tots?  The one that has sat back there too long and now has an unappetizing sheen that has formed over the ice cream’s surface?  The type of container that my Grandmother would have seen such a pitifully small amount of ice cream remaining in the bottom and would have placed on the kitchen floor for our dog to lick out the remainder?

Yep, that’s me. The container.  Nearly empty.  Spent.  Although it is worth clarifying that no one has yet placed me on the kitchen floor for our dog to lick clean (thank God for small favors).  Time for bed or perhaps time for a trip to the store for some fresh ice cream.  Decisions, decisions.


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