No Words Spoken

So here I am, sitting here all alone on a chilly Thursday night in a quiet house with nothing much to write about. Yep, I’m at a loss for words.  I know shocking, right?  Well, this got me to thinking about last Sunday night.


There we were as a family preparing to leave the Caribou Coffee parking lot. We had just finished up a long afternoon of house hunting.  We were tired.  We were excited.  We were nervous.  We were ready to finally make a move.  First things, first however, we all needed a good night’s sleep.  Unfortunately, this meant that the boys and I would pile into one car and head back to our current home two and a half hours away.  Charlene would spend the week in our new city working hard and finishing up the details on buying a new home.  It was time to say goodbye for the week.  A long week.


Charlene said her goodbyes to the boys and we packed them into my car. I walked Charlene over to her car and turned to give her a hug and a kiss goodbye.  That’s when she wrapped her arms around me and hugged with abandon.  It was one of those perfect hugs, the type where she wraps her arms over your shoulders and drapes herself over you.  So total.  So loving.  The perfect way to say what needs to be said, without ever saying a word.


Tomorrow night, I will see my beautiful bride again. I will have another chance to see her face.  Listen to her voice.  Feel her touch.  Until that time, I will just have to remember her hug.  Somehow, that’s more than enough.


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