The Path Before Us

Six months ago, we learned that Charlene was being let go at work. Needless to say, this single action threw our world into chaos. The future was no more certain. No path was lit. No way clear. Our family entered a sort of transitional purgatory.

Then came the job possibility in Cottage Grove. By no means a sure thing. By no means a clear path. A prospect that would lead to more transition. More change. Charlene on the other hand exhibited a sense of confidence, a certainty that this was “the one.” I was optimistic, but still had that numbing feeling. The knowledge that even the best options would lead to new challenges and change. Not the numbing feeling after Charlene lost her job, that was a toxic blend of fear and shock. It was not that feeling now, but rather just an acknowledgement of how much change would occur and that it would not be easy. Change never is.

Chatting with my 11-year-old son Jacob about the job interview, he provided a selfless clarity. “I sure hope Mom gets the job.” His thoughts wholly about another. Someone he loved. No worry. No fear. Selfless. Young Jacob was right.

Fear can paralyze. The prospect of change’s burdens can blind us to beautiful possibilities. Possibilities and new pathways that have been placed before us. When Charlene found out that she had got the job and that we would be moving, I no longer had that same fear. It had been replaced with a peace. A knowledge that this was indeed God’s plan for us. A beautiful new adventure awaited us. This was God’s will.

This past week at church, I attended an introduction to the Bible class with my 8-year-old son Sam. I was asked to show Sam my favorite passage from the Bible. My thoughts immediately went to a passage that has provided comfort over these past several months. A passage full of divine assurance found in Jeremiah (29:11), “For surely I know the plans I have for you, says the Lord, plans for your welfare and not for harm, to give you a future with hope.” Storm clouds will pass, the future will be bright.

Very rarely in life are we afforded the opportunity to see things so clear. We pray for “God’s will to be done,” but are we ever completely sure of our part in it? What are we supposed to do? Well, in this instance and in so many other instances throughout our family’s lives, we have been blessed. Not that it has been easy and not that the future will be all roses, but this is that path that God has asked us to take. A beautiful new future where God wants us to be. Where God needs us to be.

Your life is full of struggles. Your life is full of change and fears. Uncertain prospects and challenges. They are present for all of us. A sort of constant human condition. Just remember, there is a plan for you. A beautiful path awaits. Remember, young Jacob’s example. Turn outward. Shed fear and cast aside doubts. Cheer on those you love. Embrace new possibilities. The dark days will soon fade away and countless new sunrises will unfold before you. That is God’s plan for me, my family, and for you, as well.


4 thoughts on “The Path Before Us”

  1. Thanks so much for sharing your encouraging words. Something I really needed to hear! Hoping for wonderful things as your family begins you new adventure in Cottage Grove.

  2. What a beautifully meaningful piece that you have shared here! Kevin and I wish nothing but the best for you and your family as this exciting new opportunity starts to unfold! Cottage Grove is lucky to get all of you!

  3. Remember if it wasn’t for our Lord closing the one door you wouldn’t have looked behind the door that he opened.

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