“Where in the World are Sam’s Socks?” – Farewell to Vacation Edition

In a desperate attempt to hold onto vacation, I have let my “vacation beard” grow wild even after we returned home. Unfortunately, it has grown scratchy. Sadly, it does not look good. Thankfully, I have realized that it is time for “vacation beard” to go.

So as I lather up with some good ol’ Barbasol, I find myself thinking back to carefree days by the lake with my 8-year-old son Sam’s socks.

(Editor’s Note:  okay, so they are my 11-year-old son Jacob’s socks, but someone placed them in Sam’s duffel bag, so Sam ended up wearing them and setting them all over the place.  Therefore the title is “Sam’s socks” even though they are technically “Jacob’s socks.”  Ugh.  I may have to consult my legal department about this one.)

Yep, there were Sam’s socks in the cabin enjoying a little R&R. Rest on, socks. Relax on.

Socks on Vacation

Sam’s socks on vacation…  or are they Jacob’s socks?  Better question, why are they on the dining room table?  Ugh.  Even on vacation, some questions are best left unasked.

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