Fruit Hoarder

Recently I had some training at work.  This training happened to coincide with another attempt at dieting (#TryNumber106).  As a result, I headed into work with an apple and banana packed for lunch (#Pitiful).

As the morning’s training session was coming to a close, my tummy began to grumble (#CupofSpecialK #NotEnoughforBreakfast).  I began thinking of the yummy apple that I had packed for lunch.  My lunch would have to wait however (#WhoWouldEatItAnyway), because first I needed to crawl under a boat, as part of my training (#DontAsk).  Since it was cold out (#ArcticCold), I was crawling under the boat in a garage.  As a result, I came out filthy (#FilthyDoesNotDoItJustice).

Returning to the classroom, I sat in the back (#NotFarBackEnough) and was looking pretty nasty in my garage floor dirt covered pullover jacket (#Sad).  I did however have a reason to be happy, I could munch away on my apple during the afternoon’s training session (#AgainPitiful).  Biting into the apple, I soon remembered how loud apples are as a fruit (#TreeBranchCrackingLoud) .  Munch!  Crunch!  Munch! (#Embarrassing)  Regardless, I knew the challenge ahead.  I needed to eat my snack.  It was a matter of survival (#AnotherLoudTummyGrumble).

Finally finishing my apple (#RestofClasswasRelieved), I began looking for a trash can.  To the right, a sink (#SansGarbageDisposal).  To the left, a recycle bin (#NotforComposting).  Sad and holding a wet apple core (#NothingLefttoEat), I had a tough decision to make.  Continue holding the damp apple core (#PickedClean) or stuff it into my briefcase (#NoWin).  Still covered in garage floor dirt, I sadly placed the apple core on top of my briefcase.  I was yucky and now my briefcase was also yucky (#QuiteaPair).

A little depressed, but with a quiet stomach (#Finally), I looked forward and focused on my studies (#CMinusStudent).  Then without warning, I was thrown a lifeline, as a fellow student pointed out the trashcan directly behind me (#BetterAlternative).  Thankful, I tossed the apple core into the trash (#RIPCrunchyApple).  Now, if there was just a washer and dryer close at hand (#YouCantAlwaysGetWhatYouWant).


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