“Where in the World are Ben’s Socks?” – Somewhat Appropriate Edition

Considering that it’s late.  Considering that I would still like to “post” something (anything?) today.  Considering that I have a somewhat underwhelming item at my disposal.  That’s what I’m running with.  Enjoy.

Returning home from work, my 6-year-old son Ben approached me with glee.  “Dad, look at my socks!”  Following the direction of his pointing finger, I looked into his cubby, which holds his shoes.  There on top of the shoes was a pair of his socks.  Socks sitting in an arguably appropriate location.  “Take a picture of my socks for your blog.”  Underwhelmed, but happy that he wanted his socks immortalized (somewhat of a stretch there) on my blog, I grabbed the camera and took a picture.

So without further delay, I give you “Ben’s Socks – Sitting in almost the Right Place.”  Presented to you free of charge.  That’s right, tonight you’re getting your money’s worth.

Socks in Cubby


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