Milestone Perspective

This morning, I received a pleasant surprise.  As I cleared out its spam folder, I realized that in the early morning hours my web site,, had its 10,000th visitor!  That’s right, 10,000 times someone has actually visited my site.  Awesome!   I still find it humbling that people actually reading my daily posts, thank you one and all.  Needless to say, the rest of the morning, I was a little giddy.

Unfortunately, my giddiness was vented onto my unsuspecting kids in the form of me randomly and completely out of context quoting the lyrics from the song, “Uptown Funk.”

For example…

Me:  “Hey, Sam.”

My 8-year-old son Sam:  “What, Dad?”

Me: “I’m so hot that a dragon wants to retire.”

Sam:  “Stop it, Dad!”


Another, as the kids were getting ready for school…

Me:  “Before we leave, let me tell you a little something.”

My Boys:  (loud groan, followed by…) “Stop it, Dad!”


It did however encourage them to quickly get ready to leave for school.  Torture by “Dorky Dad,” a universally accepted method for getting kids out the door.

So as I walked with the boys to school, I gave them a break from my bad singing and shared with them the good news about my web site surpassing 10,000 visitors.  Momentarily impressed, Sam who has recently been reading the Guinness Book of World Records shared with me who has the most Twitter followers (Katy Perry with 52 million).  Ugh, thanks for the perspective, son.  I guess I deserved that considering that “I gotta kiss myself, I’m so pretty.”

Epilogue – Earlier this month, my web site passed another milestone.  My cookie cookbook, “Today is a Great Day for a Cookie,” was downloaded for its 200th time!  Yep, 200 families all baking fresh cookies from my magnum opus.  It’s a good feeling.  So, I’m passing this factoid along to my wife, who long ago pointed out my lack of entrepreneurial common sense in giving away my cookbook for free.  “Let’s see,” my wife spelled out, “200 downloads times $5 each would have been $1,000.”  Ah yes, my dear wife, but at $5 apiece, I would have sold exactly two cookbooks.  One to myself and another to my mom.  Ah, perspective.  Humbling perspective.

Epilogue Too – Whenever my baby ( reaches another milestone, I get a little (a lot) nostalgic (?) (Hasn’t it only been around since last September?) (Am I using too many parenthesis for one sentence?).  Indulging in nostalgia, here are links to my five (actually six) favorite posts…

#5 (tie)…  A tale of a chip stuck in a bottle (“Chip on the Ocean”) and my desperate attempt to maintain control in a digital age (“Christmas All Lawyered-Up”).

#4…  My first post (“Enjoy that New Blog Smell”).

#3…  Always think twice before ordering the “Wet Rub” (“Wings. Beer. Awkward Moment.”).

#2…  My tribute to my beautiful and talented wife, Charlene (“Pride”).

#1…  If only Jennifer Lawrence would just return my phone calls (“That’s Cold(play)”).

Thank you for helping my “10,000” happen!  You are the best and remember, today is a great day for a cookie!

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