Bis Später, Silly Hater

Yesterday was a big day for my blog, my baby, the one and only  Yesterday was a big day, because I received (drum roll, please) my first hate mail!

Now normally, I would just ignore such an event, but in some strange way, I think this signifies that my little baby is starting to grow up.  For just over seven months, it has flourished in a sheltered and nurturing corner of the Internet, but now it has left the nest.  Fly little blog, fly beyond the idiots of the world, fly away!

So it happened yesterday, as I emptied my spam filter.  Now, the spam filter has been a reliable tool that catches about 99% of the junk comments and every now and then even snags a legitimate item or two.  Well, yesterday, I received the following in response to my recent ugly t-shirt giveaway event (which by the way was a major success), you be the judge…

“Absolutely not intresting article. How can you write this.” – signed (some idiot who I will not dignify with actual recognition) from (some sad and lonely blog about trending topics…  sad…  just sad)

Hey, buddy, how about this?  It’s called spell check.  Oh yeah, and how about this?  It’s called a question mark.  Use ‘em, Einstein.

That is all for now, as we return to our regularly scheduled cookie love fest.


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