And the Winner of the Extra Ugly T-Shirt is…

Three years ago, when we moved to Willmar, I noticed something odd about our grocery store.  In the chip aisle, hanging off a shelf was a bag of ping pong balls.  Week after week, I would pass the ping pong balls, ponder their odd placement, and wonder if I would ever find a reason to purchase them.  Since we don’t own a ping pong table and it seems like an odd housewarming gift, I’ve never even placed them in my grocery cart.

Well, along came yesterday’s ugly “Cookies by Dave” t-shirt giveaway.  Lightning struck.  I had a use for the ping pong balls.  Write a contestant name on each ball, place in a bag, pick the winner.  Brilliant!  My ping pong ball purchasing destiny would be fulfilled!

Prototype Cookies by Dave T-Shirt

Yes, the shirt is as ugly as first reported.

Heading to the store, I picked up some milk (we were short) and headed straight to the chip aisle.  Even though the store is in the process of being remodeled, the chips are still in the same location.  I was efficient.  I knew right where to go.  Entering the chip aisle, I looked for the ping pong balls and…  nothing…  they were gone.  Victims of the corporate directed remodeling initiative.  My ping pong destiny would never be fulfilled.  A check mark that would never be placed on my bucket list.

A bit sad, I headed toward the checkout lane, unsure of how I would solve my winner selection quandary.  Then out of the corner of my eye, I saw them.  A gift from my savior.  A plastic solution.  Easter eggs.

Picking up a pack, all of the world seemed right again.  As I reflected on the words of the Rolling Stones, I smiled.  “You can’t always get what you want, but if you try sometimes you might find, you get what you need.”

Oh and by the way, Jeff’s egg was selected.  Congrats!  The extra ugly t-shirt will soon have a new home.

The Winner Jeff’s “Egg of Destiny!”

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