Travel Mug Drama

[Please, note that the story portrayed in this blog post is true.  The photos however have been recreated in a lifelike office setting, even though the computer and phone in my work cubical are much nicer than those portrayed in the photos below.  Now sit down, because this is going to be something.  Something truly true.]

Prepare yourself for edge-of-your-seat excitement.  Prepare yourself to be swept into a captivating world.  Prepare yourself for an immersive bureaucratic experience.  Get ready for “Travel Mug Drama.”

Arriving at work, I settled into my cubicle and began checking my email.  I was doing well sorting messages, responding, and crafting brilliant paths forward on a variety of projects.  Okay, well maybe I was not doing that great, but I was being pretty efficient and I was making progress on one project.  It was a pretty good start to the day.

Then I reached for a refreshing drink of coffee and (get ready) I misjudged the location of my travel mug (gasp!).

01 Starting Point

My wonderful travel mug, just sitting there, minding its own business. 02 Brushed Carelessly

Artistic interpretation of my failed attempt at grasping my travel mug.

04 Tilt

[Please, ignore my hand in this photo.  My CGI staff have the day off and were unavailable to edit out my hand in this photo.  Once again, please ignore the hand.] 

The mug teetered to one side (oh my!).

03 Wobble

[Note again that my hand should not be present in this photo either.  Thank you for your understanding.]

It rolled on its base and tipped to the other side (good Lord!).

05 Landing

Then using my catlike quickness, in one swift motion I stabbed at the mug and grabbed it, before it plummeted to the new office carpeting below (sigh of relief).

Some of you are saying, “Dave, the travel mug had its lid on.  What was the danger?”  Well, look closely.  My favorite travel mug features a hairline crack on the top.  Another fall and the whole thing could have burst apart (all the people say, “Dave, I had no idea you were in such danger!”).

06 Travel Mug with Lipstick Yep, I had survived another heartwrenching experience in my life of non-stop excitement.  Also, note that my travel mug includes a lipstick stain from my beautiful, talented, amazing, and eventually-reading-this-blog-post wife.  The lipstick has remained through dishwasher trips, through multiple dunks in a soapy sink, through lip upon lip taking a sip.  A lipstick stain that puts all of life in perspective.  Yes, even though I live a life of peril, I maintain a smile on my face, because I know that my wonderful wife will always be there for me.  Travel mug drama and all.

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